Workforce Information
The Mississippi Apprenticeship Program (MAP) offers employers the opportunity to improve skills of their employees, which leads to a more productive workforce.
The Mississippi Apprenticeship Program (MAP) offers employees and program participants the ability to improve their job skills in order to secure employment in today's 21st century, global economy.
Through MIBEST, MAP, and career-tech programs, Mississippi's community colleges are providing opportunities to people who are looking to improve their educational and skill levels that leads to high-skill, high-wage jobs in today's 21st century global economy.
ACT Work Ready Communities (WRC) empowers states, regions and counties with data, processes and tools that drive economic growth. Participants are leveraging the ACT®WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate® (NCRC®) to measure and close the skills gap — and building common frameworks that link, align and match their workforce development efforts.